By Pam Markel
Spring Fling, a National Costumers Association tradition, began Thursday May 2, 2024. Costumers from all over descended upon Sugarcreek, Ohio, to enjoy a weekend of sharing, eating, shopping and touring. Thursday, Pat Coppock, of Indianapolis, Indiana, Debbie Meredith of Akron, Ohio, Louella Torrence and Jason Torrence from Allentown, Pennsylvania and Pam & Dennis Markel of Fairmont WV, enjoyed dinner at their favorite local pub “Bags.”
Many of the costumers joined us on Friday afternoon. Carol Pocock from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Linda and Merlyn Foat of Illinois; Jay and Lorraine Brown of Vermont; Kathy and Stan Thomas of Dover, Ohio; and all the others gathered at a local restaurant in Berlin for a delicious lunch and wonderful homemade pie.
Friday afternoon was full of shopping and flea marketing etc., and then back to the Hotel hospitality room for a potluck dinner. The evening was full of catching up with old friends and eating as usual. Tina Lorenzoni (from Ohio) and Lorraine, chairmen for the Spring Fling weekend, challenged us to an artistic endeavor. Challenging was not the word …. We had to draw things on a paper plate that we held on to our head; we could not look at it, but as Tina gave us instructions, we drew what she said. Judging was difficult, due to the interesting nature of the activity. Jason Torrence won the task. Tina Lorenzo also passed out the scavenger hunt list. This fun activity began last year. More costumers decided to participate, and try to “beat Jason and Louella.”
Saturday morning, the group headed to the Dennison Train Depot Museum. This museum captured all our attention and interest. The story and renovations behind this building were amazing. This wonderful historical adventure ended in a great lunch in a local restaurant, and an exploration of an interesting antique store. Stan and Kathy Thomas were surprised with two servers who were past customers of Rainbow Party Rental in Dover.
Saturday evening the group cleaned up the leftovers and got ready to watch the Kentucky Derby. Attendees adorned hats and lined up their favorite horse for the derby winner.
Anyone who knows Lorraine and Tina well, knows that Activity Director is in their blood. They prepared a unique trivia contest for post derby watchers. Debbie Meredith was the winner of the contest and was presented with a horseshoe collar of roses.
The climax of the evening was the deliberation of who won the Scavenger Hunt. Everyone tried desperately to beat Jason and Louella, but to no avail, they won for the second year in a row. Merlyn and Linda were second, and Jay Brown was third. The Markels came in last.
One highlight of the weekend was helping Stan and Kathy Thomas celebrate their 60th Wedding anniversary, with cake, cookies, and lots of good friends. Congratulations to a great couple.
Don’t miss Spring Fling 2025, scheduled for the second weekend of May. Reservations are held for 12 rooms for that weekend. You can reserve your room now. It is held under the NCA. Dutch Host Inn – 1.800. 428.0075 or 330.852,2468.